Oakland Symphony Chorus “Sing-In”

Wednesday, August 8th, 2007 by

Tonight I performed with Susan Swerdlow at the Oakland Symphony Chorus “Sing-In”. Susan conducted around 60 singers in a sight read performance of Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms and Schubert’s Mass in G (which I learned he composed at the ripe old age of 17!). The night was incredibly successful! The music is so beautiful and many of the singers present had sung both pieces before, which made it easy to do at least some justice to the works. I received rave reviews from the crowd, who were all duly impressed by my attempts at emulating an orchestra on the piano (don’t you just hate orchestral reductions?? I do! Lol) Nonetheless, I had a great time, felt extremely strong on the piano, and felt highly expressive.

Several audience members asked where I was performing next (by which I’m sure they meant where would I be playing more classical piano). Of course I told them about my wildly diverse freelance performances (this week alone has classical, gospel, jazz and R&B gigs…phew!), but I immediately thought about the fact that I have not performed a classical recital in more years than I’d care to admit. I had wanted to do a recital this year, but I think it will be smarter to aim at 2008. There are so many wonderful pieces I’d love to perform (Rachmaninoff Etudes, Chopin Preludes, Scherzos and Ballades, Prokofiev Sonata 7, Ravel Jeux d’eau, etc.) One step at a time. At least I’m finally practicing again! Tonight’s success was a direct result and evidence of that! : >

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