Tour update – August 2016

Saturday, August 27th, 2016 by

Photo Credit: 13th Witness

Hello friends,

My mother had dreamed of visiting Spain for her entire life.  When I saw that the Formation World Tour would be making a stop in Barcelona, I had one objective: get Mom to Spain!  In this photo, she’s at the stadium with me, before the show.  After the final show of the European leg, we then spent a few days enjoying the beauty of Spain.  I am so grateful and feel so blessed…

The tour will be coming back to the USA in September, so if you haven’t seen the show, I highly recommend you buy a ticket and go!  Check out her website for details: Beyoncé

Check out this PledgeMusic blog post about me! Victoria Theodore Takes Notes From Tour with Beyoncé

I was in Oakland on Monday, August 15, conducting a music workshop at Dwayne Wiggins’ music school,Tony’s School of Music.  The program is impressive and providing young people with much needed outlets for artistic expression.  Follow the link to support or get involved.

On Tuesday, August 16, I performed with the incredible Ashling “Biscuit” Cole at Yoshi’s, along with a crew of amazing Bay Area musicians (Darryl C AndersCam PerridgeAaron Green, Zoe Ellis, Omega Rae, Dale Anthony).  Ashling has toured with Larry Graham for many years, as well as Prince and other luminaries, and as always, she brought down the house!  I had such a great time.

In these last 2 weeks before heading back on the road, I’m doing my best to enjoy some down time, but I’m also to start working on my next music project.  I’m not sure yet if it will be an entire album, or, as many suggest, a 5-6 song EP.  I’m just grateful (there’s that word again!) that I’m gathering ideas that I like!

If you’d like to keep up with my tour experience, check out photos, and get a general sense of my Musical Life, follow me on the social media sites listed below.  Enjoy the rest of the summer!

Blessings & Music,


Social Links:


Facebook: VictoriaTheodoreMusic
Twitter: @VictoriaTheo

Pinterest: victoriatheo
Instagram: victoriatheodoremusic
SnapChat: victoriatmusic

You can find my music on
Bandcamp • CD Baby •  iTunes • SoundCloud • Amazon • Spotify
Blessings & Music,


This entry was posted on Saturday, August 27th, 2016 at 2:45 am and is filed under Beyoncé, Performance, Victoria Theodore. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

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