SYTYCD took my breath away tonight

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009 by

I should have been in bed 2 hours ago. But, as usual, I didn’t stop working until late, and so, starving, I sat down with my near midnight meal to watch my favorite show, So You Think You Can Dance. The first part of the show wasn’t captivating, and I’d finished my dinner in time to turn off the television at the mid point, to return at another time and watch the remainder. But feeling less than motivated to stand quickly, I sat for a few more minutes, which spiraled into the entire show. Tonight, a new choreographer made her debut on the show. Laurie Ann Gibson created a piece featuring Brandon and Jeanine. It was powerful, hard-hitting, passionate and exciting. Brandon and Jeanine danced the piece brilliantly. I was compelled to rewind and watch it again immediately (something I only do when the dance and choreography are exceptional).

After the performance, I was inspired by Mia Michael’s (my absolute favorite choreographer) comments to Laurie Ann, saying that “she doesn’t dance a step unless it is from her soul”. Those words are all I need to hear to remember that I must demand nothing less from myself in my musical expression. Every note I play, every phrase I sing, every word I write, MUST come from my soul. It’s so easy for me to allow myself to be “adequate” or “good”. That part of me which resonates with Mia’s statement won’t stand for it. My soul yearns for full expression of excellence and I must heed it’s call.

I thought Laurie Ann’s piece was to be my favorite dance of the night. I was wrong.

The next piece was choregraphed by Tyce Diorio, consistently one of my favorite choreographers on the show. His work was performed by Ade and Melissa, a piece that conveyed the journey of a woman with breast cancer and the support she receives from her friend. The piece was mesmerizing and one of the best ever on the show. I was overwhelmed with emotion watching Ade and Melissa dance. Tyce’s choreography perfectly evoked the pain, deblilitation, and heartbreak that co-exists with determination, strength and courage in the lives of cancer patients. The movement, beautifully set to Maxwell’s stunning version of Kate Bush’s song “This Woman’s Work“, was breathtaking.

Tyce’s choreography transported me back to those moments in my niece’s journey with cancer that had terrified and devastated me. Ade’s power and conviction reminded me of the determination that those of us who love Naomi summoned within ourselves to offer her all of the love and support we could muster. Melissa’s courage and vulnerable tenacity reminded me of the strength in Naomi’s tiny 3 year old body as she fought for her life and SURVIVED. Thank you Tyce. Thank you Ade. Thank you Melissa. Thank you for so perfectly telling the story of those of us who have dealt with cancer either directly or through a loved one. Blessings to you all.

“I know you have a little life in you yet
I know you have a lot of strength left…”

This entry was posted on Thursday, July 23rd, 2009 at 9:03 am and is filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

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