Encouraging Compassion

Tuesday, October 27th, 2020 by

Hello my beloved friends,

As we approach the 2020 election here in the USA, I actively work to shift my energy from fear, anger, disappointment and distrust to one of peace, calm, trust and love. I choose to focus on the positive, beautiful aspect of humanity. Our American family is suffering from discontent at the highest level I’ve seen in my lifetime.

Yet, I’m optimistic about the future, regardless of who wins the upcoming election. Regardless of political party affiliation (if any), religious beliefs (if any), identity (if any), etc., we are all connected in this human family. I want to encourage all of us to have more compassion for each other.
One of my favorite songs sums it up beautifully:

Trouble Ain’t

“Trouble ain’t gon’ be here everydayEven though sometimes it seems like it won’t go awayAfter you’ve done all that you know howJust to keep from breaking downJust believe it’s gonna get much betterAfter awhile”

“Trouble ain’t gon’ be here everydayEven though sometimes it seems like it won’t go awayAfter you’ve done all that you know howJust to keep from breaking downJust believe it’s gonna get much betterAfter awhile”

Here’s what I know:

  • People who support the current President sincerely feel that the Democratic Party has failed them, that the current President is capable to spurring the kind of economic market confidence that we all yearn for, is a disruptor in the positive sense, turning the tables on a staid political system filled with cronies and self-interested politicos, is sincere in his attempts to rectify and prevent wrongs committed by the “left”, which for some includes issues like abortion, traditional marriage and religious persecution. They truly believe he’s the better choice.
  • People who support the former Vice President sincerely believe the the that the Republican Party is divisive, selfish, immoral and massively biased against everyone who’s not a straight white male. They believe the current President is a horrible leader and an even worse human being, displaying the worst possible example of how to behave as an adult. They see him as a narcissistic disruptor in the worst possible sense, wreaking havoc, surrounding himself with sycophants, demanding constant praise and profit for his own personal benefit at the expense of our country, attempting to reverse progress in all of the ways that humanity needs: economy, climate, human rights, ethics. They truly believe that the former Vice President is the better choice.

I do my best to respect that everyone’s experience leads them to their belief system. However, I do not abide conspiracy theories. It is ridiculous to believe that the Democrats are “cannibal pedophiles” or that Republicans are “lizard people”. The Earth is round. Science is real. Black lives matter. Love is love. God is love. I don’t care if you’re an atheist, agnostic or devoutly religious, I don’t care about your race or ethnicity, your sexuality or gender, your economic status or physical ability: I choose to love and respect you the same, and expect reciprocation.

I believe that both sides of our pathetically dualistic political system are caught in old paradigms of top down economics, lack of gender equity and racial biases that do NOT serve humanity. I believe in prayer, good will and kindness. If you’re religious, please pray that the American people come together in empathy and kindness, regardless of the outcome of the election. I trust that the trend towards peace, individual freedom, equality and economic justice will continue.

I believe that my education, experience traveling and interacting with people around the world, and deliberate focus on introspection and meditation has led to my having a uniquely broad perspective. Here’s some inspiration and beauty for you. Please enjoy, and no matter who you vote for, PLEASE VOTE!!!

Human (a beautiful movie about our shared humanity)

Western Australia’s Quokkas “are Good for Your Health” (adorable 🥰)

The Great Realisation (funny and sweet)

Sky (a poem I wrote, posted with a video montage and set to music by Stephen Sondheim)

Giving While Living (my kind of billionaire)

Good advice:

  • Avoid the politically biased news sources: Our thoughts have an effect on our bodies. Negative thoughts, repeated over and over create anxiety, stress. Studies show that we have 6,00 thoughts per day. Political news is deliberately SKEWED to make the viewer fearful, angry and distrustful. Stop watching it.
  • We do not have to agree, but I ask that we all put a greater effort into being respectful, compassionate and empathetic. It’s ok to speak your mind, but be prepared to hear a response that may prove you wrong, make you angry or uncomfortable. Be open to learning. Be open to the fact that the person who is most wise realizes that they don’t know much at all.
  • Try to avoid confirmation bias: watching the same “news” pundits over and over, reading the same books, with the same perspectives. Imagine that your perspective is actually wrong. How would you defend the opposite viewpoint? This is an exercise in opening your mind. It’s quite valuable to do.

Sending you so much love!!

Love, Blessings & Music,


This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 27th, 2020 at 11:00 am and is filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

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