A Day Off in New York

Saturday, September 6th, 2008 by

We had a day off today, so I went to lunch with Elaine and Eisa at Le Pan Quotidian near Lincoln Center. It was a beautiful day, so I decided to walk rather than take the subway. We enjoyed a delicious lunch and plenty of “girl talk” before Eisa had to return to work. Elaine and I walked to Steinway Hall, where they graciously allowed me to play some fantastic pianos. I can’t wait until the day when I have a grand piano in my home! One day soon…. : > Elaine played me one of her beautiful songs, and I played one of mine for her. It was fun! And then, it was time for me to head back and check out of the hotel.

The group of us headed to JFK and flew to London Heathrow. I never have trouble sleeping on an airplane, so I passed right out after watching Iron Man (which I enjoyed…only months after its release. I admit that I’m horrible about watching movies in a timely fashion, and end up missing most of them altogether…sigh).

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