Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 25th, 2008 by

Dearest friends,

This holiday, it is my goal to exemplify the spirit of the season. I am striving to be more grateful, empathetic, gracious, considerate, friendly, loving, generous and peaceful. I am daily striving to contribute to at least one person’s day in a positive way, to be an impetus for a genuine smile, and to infuse a small dose of joy through reminding myself and others that even in the toughest of times, there is always much to be grateful for. Whether or not 2008 might have been challenging for you (and it certainly has been challenging in many ways for me), I encourage you to look back, review the year and realize all the ways in which it was perfect. It was a great year! : >

I wish you a beautiful holiday season, and a new year full of expectation for and manifestation of all things GOOD!

Be well, dream big, smile freely and enjoy the holidays!

Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy New Year!!! : >



This entry was posted on Thursday, December 25th, 2008 at 12:29 am and is filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

4 responses to “Happy Holidays!”

  1. Tim DeMillo, Ranger-at-Large says:

    A wonderful sentiment freely shared. I feel encouraged by your heart, enriched by your music and emboldened by your wisdom. Love and Peace from Minnesota. td

  2. Thanks Victoria! Merry Christmas to you too!!!!!

  3. Lewis says:

    Yes, striving to create a positive difference or influence in at least one person day– that is how life is supposed to be lived.

    Have an incredible and blessed 2009!!!!!

  4. sylvia says:

    Beautiful you are!!

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  • Tim DeMillo, Ranger-at-Large says:

    A wonderful sentiment freely shared. I feel encouraged by your heart, enriched by your music and emboldened by your wisdom. Love and Peace from Minnesota. td

  • Thanks Victoria! Merry Christmas to you too!!!!!

  • Lewis says:

    Yes, striving to create a positive difference or influence in at least one person day– that is how life is supposed to be lived.

    Have an incredible and blessed 2009!!!!!

  • sylvia says:

    Beautiful you are!!